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Interacting with the client

dagger.#Plan has a client field that allows interaction with the local machine where the dagger command line client is run. You can:

  • Read and write files and directories;
  • Use local sockets;
  • Load environment variables;
  • Run commands;
  • Get current platform.

Accessing the file system

You may need to load a local directory as a dagger.#FS type in your plan:

dagger.#Plan & {
// Path may be absolute, or relative to current working directory
client: filesystem: ".": read: {
// CUE type defines expected content
contents: dagger.#FS
exclude: ["node_modules"]

actions: {
copy: docker.#Copy & {
contents: client.filesystem.".".read.contents
// ...

It’s also easy to write a file locally:

import (
// ...

dagger.#Plan & {
client: filesystem: "config.yaml": write: {
// Convert a CUE value into a YAML formatted string
contents: yaml.Marshal(actions.pull.output.config)

actions: pull: docker.#Pull & {
source: "alpine"

Using a local socket

You can use a local socket in an action:

dagger.#Plan & {
client: filesystem: "/var/run/docker.sock": read: contents: dagger.#Service

actions: {
image: alpine.#Build & {
packages: "docker-cli": {}
run: docker.#Run & {
input: image.output
mounts: docker: {
dest: "/var/run/docker.sock"
contents: client.filesystem."/var/run/docker.sock".read.contents
command: {
name: "docker"
args: ["info"]

Environment variables

Environment variables can be read from the local machine as strings or secrets, just specify the type:

dagger.#Plan & {
client: env: {
REGISTRY_TOKEN: dagger.#Secret

actions: pull: docker.#Pull & {
source: ""
auth: {
username: client.env.REGISTRY_USER
secret: client.env.REGISTRY_TOKEN

Running commands

Sometimes you need something more advanced that only a local command can give you:

dagger.#Plan & {
client: commands: {
os: {
name: "uname"
args: ["-s"]
arch: {
name: "uname"
args: ["-m"]

actions: build: go.#Build & {
os: client.commands.os.stdout
arch: client.commands.arch.stdout
// ...

You can also capture stderr for errors and provide stdin for input.


If you need the current platform though, there’s a more portable way than running uname like in the previous example:

dagger.#Plan & {
client: _

actions: build: go.#Build & {
os: client.platform.os
arch: client.platform.arch
// ...